EWAO Earth We Are One: The 10 Most Amazing Archaeological Discoveries Made in 2017
The Jerusalem Post: Hebrew University Archaeologists Find 12th Dead Sea Scrolls Cave
LIVESCIENCE: 12th Dead Sea Scrolls Cave Found in Israel
SCI News: Qumran cave 12: New Dead Sea Scrolls Cave Discovered
NPR the Two-way: Archaeologists Excavate 12th Cave They Say Once Housed Dead Sea scrolls
HAARETZ: Archaeologists Find 12th Dead Sea Scroll Cave
NATIONTAL GEOGRAPHIC: NEW Dead Sea Scroll Find May Help Detect Forgeries
CNN: New Dead Sea Scrolls Cave Discovered
The Hebrew University of JERUSALEM: Hebrew University Archaeologists Find 12th Dead Sea Scroll Cave
BBC: New Dead Sea Scroll Cave Discovered
Times of Israel: New Dead Sea Scroll Cave Found Near Qumran

We invite you to read about the excavations of Dr. Oren Gutfeld:
Mystery of the Man-Made Tunnels
Excavations in the Judean Desert
Wilderness & the.....